All views are based on the knowledge, experiences, beliefs and values of Carlies Mol. The aim, with the information presented, on this website is to let visitors/readers think about the assumptions they have always taken for granted and to present them another point of view. The intention will never be to hurt anybody or bring people, countries or organizations in discredit.
Photos and articles include the point of view of Carlies Mol only. The content of this website is descriptive. There are no hidden promotions or messages from third parties on this website. There’s no political agenda or political suggestions behind the content.
Going to the places that Carlies Mol visited and photographed needs preparation and knowledge about the political and safety situation and local customs. Inform yourself well before any travelling, or plans to take photos in foreign countries.
Dignity and respect for every human being are important values to Carlies Mol. I hope the photos and texts on this website will be viewed and read with dignity and respect too.
Last but not least, I do my best to avoid grammar mistakes. Unfortunately, I’m not a linguistic Einstein, could you send me a message if there’s drama in the grammar?